One HealthTech
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We inspire, celebrate, enable and champion
diversity & inclusivity in healthtech
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One HealthTech is a global, grassroots community that supports and promotes better openness, inclusion, kindness and diversity in health innovation.
We also try and have A LOT of fun
...Curators & Volunteers...
...building Hubs...
Serverless Framework SSR 词汇表 - 文档中心 - 腾讯云:2021-6-15 · 弹性容器服务(ElasticKubernetesService,EKS)是腾讯云容器服务推出的无须用户购买节点即可部署工作负载的服务模式。EKS 完全兼容原生 Kubernetes,支持使用原生方式购买及管理资源,按照容器真实使用的资源量计费。
Hi there HealthTechie,
Healthcare, like every industry is changing enormously, and becoming increasingly dependent on technology. This is a great thing, but not without its challenges.
自己搭建SSr+吃鸡加速器 | 乐魂a的博客 - · 阿里云最近出了轻量应用服务器,香港和新加坡的一个月才24块,1核1G,25G硬盘,峰值带宽30M,1T流量,超值的呀,无论是自己搭建SSr还是游戏加速器都很赚呀首先,购买好后安装doubi一键SSr脚本,如果我伔要用作游戏加速器,那么需要 ...
So that's why we created One HealthTech! To address everything from inclusive design and biased algorithms, to supporting more under-represented groups to develop the skills they need to drive the next generation of health.
What Our Community Contributors Say
As a nurse, I knew "tech" was important, but I had no idea how to make the jump into really understanding it. One HealthTech demystified it all for me!